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Acting Academy

Welcome to our Academy! We are pleased that you have decided to visit the CinAct website. Here you will find all the information and answers you may have about our approach, teachers, well-known guest teachers, courses and workshops.


CinAct has developed during the past year into a unique Organization with a special profile that you can not find anywhere else in the Benelux. Our basic principles for an effective result consist of : knowledge, quality, perseverance, dedication, professionalism and a good atmosphere in which you can work with confidence.

Het CinAct-team

Register now for the lessons in Zaventem and receive a 50% discount


Learn To Act

You can start an acting training for all sorts of reasons: becoming a professional actor, self-development, overcoming uncertainty, entertaining a public, standing in front of the camera, a love of TV and film, and so on. 

Most of the acting courses in Flanders are mainly focused on stage, or have sprung from stage training. This often means that aspiring actors sometimes have some difficulty in learning to play 'realistically'. Natural is very important when you stand in front of a camera. On TV or on the big screen you can see almost every small detail, while the reactions on a stage often have to be accentuated.

Taste different methods and perspectives

When is an actor successful? When is an actor credible for the camera? What is the key to bring strong and honest acting?

At CinAct we blur the boundary between acting and reality. We teach you to distance yourself from overacting and from 'false emotions'. For this we use many different proven acting techniques, perspectives and methods. This way we can offer you enough options and tools to develop your own style.



Become immersed in the world of film & tv

As a student you sometimes want to be immersed in the fascinating world of the audiovisual medium. Unfortunately, students are left to their fate too often elsewhere and are usually unhelpful in their aspirations.

That is why we at CinAct work diligently and do everything we can to support our students as well as possible. We involve them in productions and also organize large international workshops during the prestigious international Cannes Film Festival, the Berlinale and even the Academy Awards.

That is what makes our acting education so exclusive in Belgium.


Opendeurdag 2017

Get guest workshops

from Proffesionals

At CinAct we find it very important that our students can sharpen their skills and become familiar with the real adventurous acting world.

We believe in a thorough guidance. That is why we regularly invite (inter) nationally known and successful actors, directors and screenwriters to give intensive workshops and crash courses.

With your course a guest lesson and / or Q & A of an illustrious name is included each month. Moreover, we work closely with a number of the most renowned casting agencies in the country.

Course offer

Beginners Acting

Price: 599

Duration: 30 uur les

+ 9 uur Guest workshops from known actors

Advanced Acting

Price: 599 euro 

Duration: 30 uur les

+ 9 uur Guest workshops from known actors

Expert Acting

Price: 599 euro 

Duration: 39 uur les

+ 9 uur Guest workshops from known actors

Prices are  exc. VAT
Full package : 20% Dicsount on the course price

Price: 1.437 euro in plaats van 1.707 euro 

Duration: 99 uur les

+ 27 uur Guest workshops from known actors

Does it not fit your budget? Request a payment plan by email

Come and watch for free! Request it by email

Founder and teacher and coach Abbas Fasaei will soon be featured in Iron Sky: The Coming Race. Do you recognize him in the poster?


Lesson schedule

Beginners Acting Zaventem
Wanneer: elke woensdag van 10u. tot 17u.

Locatie: Zaventem


Beginners Acting Antwerpen

Wanneer: elke zondag van 10u. tot 13u
Locatie: AED Studios
               Fabriekstraat 38 – 2547 Antwerp (Lint)

Advanced Acting Antwerpen
Wanneer: elke zondag van 13u. tot 16u.
Locatie: AED Studios
               Fabriekstraat 38 – 2547 Antwerp (Lint)

Expert Acting Antwerpen
Wanneer: elke zondag van 16u tot 19u
Locatie: AED Studios
               Fabriekstraat 38 – 2547 Antwerp (Lint)

- Workshop L.A. en Vegas
Next dates: 20.02 - 02.03.2019

- Workshop Cannes Film Festival
Next dates: 08.05. – 19.05.2018


Guest teachers & honored guests

Nic Balthazar is a Belgian television producer, theather director and film director.


He made films like: Ben x, Everybody happy, always. He taught our students more than 5 hours a few weeks ago.


Soon you will see the video of the masterclass.

Recent Workshop

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