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za 24 jul



Acting and Mind - Victoria Chilap Workshop

In our workshop “Acting and Mind” we would see what is stopping us from revealing our true self in our acting profession and where is the territory “to rewrite the program”. We’ll reveal secrets of skills, education, industry.

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Acting and Mind - Victoria Chilap Workshop
Acting and Mind - Victoria Chilap Workshop

Tijd en locatie

24 jul 2021, 19:00 CEST

Lint, Fabriekstraat 38, 2547 Lint, Belgium

Over het evenement

2 day Workshop  ZOOM AND LIVE

24 July : 19h00 to 22h00 ( Mind)

31 July : 10h00 to 17h00 ( Mind) 

The students will physically attend the class and the teacher will be on ZOOM.

Both can be followed on Zoom( online) and you will get the recording after the workshop.

Biography Victoria : 

Victoria Chilap is an international actress, with multicultural roots, based in Berlin. She graduated from GITIS (Moscow Academy of Theatral Arts), was offered her first acting parts in Theater of Nations and Kazantsev Center of Modern Drama (Moscow), where she was working for the next 6 years and played more than 15 different roles. At the same time she is starting to appear in several TV series on Russian television. After playing the leading part of Ruth in "Homecoming"-part, where she discovers a new acting technique- she decides to immigrate and continue her acting education and work internationally. After living in France, she moved to Berlin and settled there, pursuing her acting career. Her first international parts were Alex in "Intruder" and "Death of a Nation" (Dinesh D'Souza, producer -Gerald.R.Molen), where she was embodying the part of Sophie Scholl.

info : 

Who is an actor?

The answer is not as simple as it might occur to you.We all perceive actors as people who are performing parts on screen and stage, being part of the industry, working on their craft.But there’s a deeper layer.An actor - is a person before all.Whoever you are - you take yourself with you.In every part in every industry situation- it’s YOU.So first thing you have to work on above all - is your mindset, your personality.It is the hardest issue and yet - the most important one.It requires honesty, bravery and clear plan. And that is rare to have.Because we usually have afeeling who we want to become, but also have not that many ideas of how to make that happen.The world seems to give more riddles and struggles and doors that meant to be open easily are keeping closed for years.In our workshop “Acting and Mind” we would see what is stopping us from revealing our true self in our acting profession and where is the territory “to rewrite the program”.We’ll reveal secrets of skills, education, industry and you’ll see that all the roads at the end of the day are bringing to the same issue:YOUR PERSONALITY and the way you work with it.

Price and data : 

95 euro for 1 day 145 Euro for 2 days

Hope to see you there! 

Cinact Team


  • Victoria Chilap 2 days

    For 2 days

    € 145,00
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  • Victoria Chilap 1 day

    1 Day workshop on the 24th July

    € 95,00
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